OK, so here's the drill... Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in your muscles and blood and like all of the other amino acid soldiers working hard inside of your human body, glutamine has a job. It's main function is to drive protein into the muscle cells where it is synthesized for growth.
There is some controversy around about the benefits of supplementing with glutamine, but it seems the fitness and athletic world is united in its opinion of this virtually taste free powder, (you won't be dry reaching with this supplement, honestly, just mix it with some water and drink, it's not bad at all). Taken directly before or after a workout, this awesome supplement will boost your natural supply of glutamine already inside your human body and assist in the building of more muscle.
Some experts will also tell you that glutamine supplementation will also improve gastrointestinal health, metabolism and brain function. Have a google around that internet thing about the many benefits and make your own decision. Take care of your body and give it the glutamine advantage.
Alright, we are finished carrying on about it now...stop reading.
Seriously, get off your device and get out there and become a healthy human!